
What's Incoming 25/072014

Hey everyone this is just another update to let you all know hat is happening. I have two more reviews currently in the Draft status waiting to be published. One is for the highly anticipated but lack luster title Watch Dogs and the other is for a little known game called Sir, you are being hunted. So you all have that to look forward too.

As far as my YouTube content well I am still making vids and have thought of a schedule that I might be able to keep. One day of the week, Maybe Monday for example I will try and make a Gameplay Vid and upload it. I will also be doing a walkthrough as well with some luck so that will be done on another day like Friday for example. As IO am pretty much free over the Summer however I will be uploading whenever I'm able to but when the summer is over this timetable will fully come into affect.

As you can see on the left hand side of this blog I have put a YouTube Subscribe button for all you happy Bloggers to click on. Why should you click on it? I shall tell you why, by clicking on that you will be kept up too date with all my YouTube ventures. As some of you might know my YouTube channel is full of gaming related media and by Subscribing you will be letting me know that people actually care about what I am doing, and that will push onto creating better stuff for you guys. I just hope the button works now...

I am also starting to improve my YouTube channel layout as well, I have made a Channel Trailer and added a few sections like Videos and Playlists. I hope to start looking for other YouTubers soon and perhaps coming up with a deal where we could add our channels to the others "Featured Channels" sections. My Youtube trailer is shown below and I know it is not great but I don't have very much to work with at the moment. The narration was made on my Mobile Phone so I do apologize for any bad quality but this is just an example of things I would improve on with more Subscribers.

An example of a gameplay video that I have done is the "Sir, You are being Hunted" gameplay video I uploaded not so long ago. It was one of the first videos I uploaded with narration.

Thank for reading this and paying attention to it so until my next update all I can say is, Keep Gaming. 

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